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'^' : '' ), preg_quote( $this->context, '#' ), '#', ] ); $retval = preg_replace( $regex, '', $request_uri ); if ( ! $retval ) { $retval = '/'; } if ( strpos( $retval, '/' ) !== 0 ) { $retval = '/' . $retval; } if ( substr( $retval, -1 ) != '/' ) { $retval = $retval . '/'; } } } return $retval; } /** * Performs the url rewriting routines. Returns the HTTP status code used to * redirect, if we're to do so. Otherwise FALSE * * @return int|bool */ public function do_rewrites( $request_uri = false ) { $redirect = false; static $stop_processing = false; // Get the request uri if not provided, if provided decode it. if ( ! $request_uri ) { $request_uri = $this->get_app_request_uri(); } else { $request_uri = urldecode( $request_uri ); } // ensure that rewrite patterns array exists. if ( ! is_array( $this->_rewrite_patterns ) ) { $this->_rewrite_patterns = []; } // Process each rewrite rule // start rewriting urls. if ( ! $stop_processing ) { foreach ( $this->_rewrite_patterns as $pattern => $details ) { // Remove this pattern from future processing for this request. unset( $this->_rewrite_patterns[ $pattern ] ); // Wildcards are processed much differently. if ( isset( $details['wildcards'] ) && $details['wildcards'] ) { if ( preg_match( $pattern, $request_uri, $matches ) ) { foreach ( $matches as $index => $match ) { if ( $index == 0 ) { $request_uri = str_replace( $match, $details['dst'], $request_uri ); } if ( $index > 0 ) { $request_uri = str_replace( "{{$index}}", $match, $request_uri ); } } // Set the redirect flag if we're to do so. if ( isset( $details['redirect'] ) && $details['redirect'] ) { $redirect = $details['redirect'] === true ? 302 : intval( $details['redirect'] ); break; } // Stop processing rewrite patterns? if ( $details['stop'] ) { $stop_processing = true; } } } // Normal rewrite pattern. elseif ( preg_match_all( $pattern, $request_uri, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) { // Assign new request URI. $request_uri = $details['dst']; // Substitute placeholders. foreach ( $matches as $match ) { if ( $redirect ) { break; } foreach ( $match as $key => $val ) { // If we have a placeholder that needs swapped, swap // it now. if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) { continue; } $request_uri = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $request_uri ); } // Set the redirect flag if we're to do so. if ( isset( $details['redirect'] ) && $details['redirect'] ) { $redirect = $details['redirect'] === true ? 302 : intval( $details['redirect'] ); break; } } } if ( $stop_processing ) { break; } } } // Cache all known data about the application request. $this->set_app_request_uri( $request_uri ); $this->get_router()->set_routed_app( $this ); return $redirect; } /** * Determines if the current routing app meets our requirements and serves them * * @return bool */ public function serve_request() { $served = false; // ensure that the routing patterns array exists. if ( ! is_array( $this->_routing_patterns ) ) { $this->_routing_patterns = []; } // if the application root matches, then we'll try to route the request. if ( ( $request_uri = $this->get_app_request_uri() ) ) { // Perform URL rewrites. $redirect = $this->do_rewrites( $request_uri ); // Are we to perform a redirect? if ( $redirect ) { $this->execute_route_handler( $this->parse_route_handler( $redirect ) ); } else { // Handle routed endpoints. foreach ( $this->_routing_patterns as $pattern => $handler ) { if ( preg_match( $pattern, $this->get_app_request_uri(), $matches ) ) { $served = true; // Add placeholder parameters. foreach ( $matches as $key => $value ) { if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) { continue; } $this->set_parameter_value( $key, $value, null ); } // If a handler is attached to the route, execute it. A // handler can be // - FALSE, meaning don't do any post-processing to the route // - A string, such as controller#action // - An array: array( // 'controller' => 'I_Test_Controller', // 'action' => 'index', // 'context' => 'all', (optional) // 'method' => array('GET') (optional) // ). if ( $handler && $handler = $this->parse_route_handler( $handler ) ) { // Is this handler for the current HTTP request method? if ( isset( $handler['method'] ) ) { if ( ! is_array( $handler['method'] ) ) { $handler['$method'] = [ $handler['method'] ]; } if ( in_array( $this->get_router()->get_request_method(), $handler['method'] ) ) { $this->execute_route_handler( $handler ); } } // This handler is for all request methods. else { $this->execute_route_handler( $handler ); } } elseif ( ! $handler ) { $this->passthru(); } } } } } return $served; } /** * Executes an action of a particular controller * * @param array $handler */ public function execute_route_handler( $handler ) { // qTranslate requires we disable "Hide Untranslated Content" during routed app requests like // photocrati-ajax, when uploading new images, or retrieving dynamically altered (watermarked) images. if ( ! empty( $GLOBALS['q_config'] ) && defined( 'QTRANS_INIT' ) ) { global $q_config; $q_config['hide_untranslated'] = 0; } // Get action. $action = $handler['action']; if ( class_exists( $handler['controller'] ) ) { $controller = new $handler['controller'](); } // TODO: Remove when Pro's minimum supported version supports v1 of the POPE removal compat. elseif ( class_exists( '\C_Component_Registry' ) ) { $controller = \C_Component_Registry::get_instance()->get_utility( $handler['controller'], $handler['context'] ); } // Call action. $controller->$action(); exit(); } /** * Parses the route handler * * @param mixed $handler * @return array */ public function parse_route_handler( $handler ) { if ( is_string( $handler ) ) { $handler = array_combine( [ 'controller', 'action' ], explode( '#', $handler ) ); } if ( ! isset( $handler['context'] ) ) { $handler['context'] = false; } if ( strpos( $handler['action'], '_action' ) === false ) { $handler['action'] .= '_action'; } return $handler; } /** * Converts the route to the regex * * @param string $route * @return string */ public function _route_to_regex( $route ) { // Get the settings manager. $settings = $this->_settings; $param_slug = $settings->router_param_slug; // convert route to RegEx pattern. $route_regex = preg_quote( str_replace( [ '{', '}' ], [ '~', '~' ], $route ), '#' ); // Wrap the route. $route_regex = '(' . $route_regex . ')'; // If the route starts with a slash, then it must appear at the beginning // of a request uri. if ( strpos( $route, '/' ) === 0 ) { $route_regex = '^' . $route_regex; } // If the route is not /, and perhaps /foo, then we need to optionally // look for a trailing slash as well. if ( $route != '/' ) { $route_regex .= '/?'; } // If parameters come after a slug, it might appear as well. if ( $param_slug ) { $route_regex .= '(' . preg_quote( $param_slug, '#' ) . '/)?'; } // Parameter might follow the request uri. $route_regex .= '(/?([^/]+\-\-)?[^/]+\-\-[^/]+/?){0,}'; // Create the regex. $route_regex = '#' . $route_regex . '/?$#i'; // convert placeholders to regex as well. return preg_replace( '/~([^~]+)~/i', ( $param_slug ? '(' . preg_quote( $param_slug, '#' ) . '\K)?' : '' ) . '(?P<\1>[^/]+)/?', $route_regex ); } /** * Gets a request parameter from either the request uri or querystring. * * This method takes into consideration the values of the router_param_prefix and router_param_separator settings * when searching for the parameter. * * Parameter can take on the following forms: * /key--value * /[MVC_PARAM_PREFIX]key--value * /[MVC_PARAM_PREFIX]-key--value * /[MVC_PARAM_PREFIX]_key--value * /id--key--value * /id--[MVC_PARAM_PREFIX]key--value * /id--[MVC_PARAM_PREFIX]-key--value * /id--[MVC_PARAM_PREFIX]_key--value * * @param string $key * @param mixed $id * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function get_parameter( $key, $id = null, $default = null, $segment = false, $url = false ) { $retval = $default; $settings = $this->_settings; $quoted_key = preg_quote( $key, '#' ); $id = $id ? preg_quote( $id, '#' ) : '[^/]+'; $param_prefix = preg_quote( $settings->router_param_prefix, '#' ); $param_sep = preg_quote( $settings->router_param_separator, '#' ); $param_regex = "#/((?P{$id}){$param_sep})?({$param_prefix}[-_]?)?{$quoted_key}{$param_sep}(?P[^/\?]+)/?#i"; $found = false; $sources = $url ? [ 'custom' => $url ] : $this->get_parameter_sources(); foreach ( $sources as $source_name => $source ) { if ( preg_match( $param_regex, $source, $matches ) ) { if ( $segment ) { $retval = [ 'segment' => $matches[0], 'source' => $source_name, ]; } else { $retval = $this->recursive_stripslashes( $matches['value'] ); } $found = true; break; } } // Lastly, check the $_REQUEST. if ( ! $found && ! $url && isset( $_REQUEST[ $key ] ) ) { $found = true; $retval = $this->recursive_stripslashes( $_REQUEST[ $key ] ); } if ( ! $found && isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { $params = []; $parsed = parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY ); if ( is_string( $parsed ) ) { parse_str( $parsed, $params ); } if ( isset( $params[ $key ] ) ) { $retval = $this->recursive_stripslashes( $params[ $key ] ); } } return $retval; } /** * Alias for remove_parameter() * * @param string $key * @param mixed $id * @return string */ public function remove_param( $key, $id = null, $url = false ) { return $this->remove_parameter( $key, $id, $url ); } /** * Adds a parameter to the application's request URI * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $id (optional) * @param bool|string $use_prefix (optional) * @return string */ public function add_parameter_to_app_request_uri( $key, $value, $id = null, $use_prefix = false ) { $settings = $this->_settings; $param_slug = $settings->router_param_slug; $uri = $this->get_app_request_uri(); $parts = [ $uri ]; if ( $param_slug && strpos( $uri, $param_slug ) === false ) { $parts[] = $param_slug; } $parts[] = $this->create_parameter_segment( $key, $value, $id, $use_prefix ); $this->set_app_request_uri( $this->join_paths( $parts ) ); return $this->get_app_request_uri(); } /** * Alias for set_parameter_value * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $id (optional) * @param bool $use_prefix (optional) * @param bool|string $url (optional) * @return string */ public function set_parameter( $key, $value, $id = null, $use_prefix = false, $url = false ) { return $this->set_parameter_value( $key, $value, $id, $use_prefix, $url ); } /** * Alias for set_parameter_value * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $id (optional) * @param bool $use_prefix (optional) * @param bool|string $url (optional) * @return string */ public function set_param( $key, $value, $id = null, $use_prefix = false, $url = false ) { return $this->set_parameter_value( $key, $value, $id, $use_prefix, $url ); } /** * Gets a parameter's matching URI segment * * @param string $key * @param mixed $id * @param mixed $url * @return mixed */ public function get_parameter_segment( $key, $id = null, $url = false ) { return $this->get_parameter( $key, $id, null, true, $url ); } /** * Gets sources used for parsing and extracting parameters * * @return array */ public function get_parameter_sources() { return [ 'querystring' => $this->get_formatted_querystring(), 'request_uri' => $this->get_app_request_uri(), ]; } public function get_formatted_querystring() { $retval = '/' . $this->get_router()->get_querystring(); $settings = $this->_settings; $retval = str_replace( [ '&', '=' ], [ '/', $settings->router_param_separator ], $retval ); return $retval; } public function has_parameter_segments() { $retval = false; $settings = $this->_settings; $request_uri = $this->get_app_request_uri(); $sep = preg_quote( $settings->router_param_separator, '#' ); // If we detect the MVC_PARAM_SLUG, then we assume that we have parameters. if ( $settings->router_param_slug && strpos( $request_uri, '/' . $settings->router_param_slug . '/' ) !== false ) { $retval = true; } // If the above didn't pass, then we try finding parameters in our // desired format. if ( ! $retval ) { $regex = implode( '', [ '#', $settings->router_param_slug ? '/' . preg_quote( $settings->router_param_slug, '#' ) . '/?' : '', "(/?([^/]+{$sep})?[^/]+{$sep}[^/]+/?){0,}", '$#', ] ); $retval = preg_match( $regex, $request_uri ); } return $retval; } /** * Recursively calls stripslashes() on strings, arrays, and objects * * @param mixed $value Value to be processed * @return mixed Resulting value */ public function recursive_stripslashes( $value ) { if ( is_string( $value ) ) { $value = stripslashes( $value ); } elseif ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as &$tmp ) { $tmp = $this->recursive_stripslashes( $tmp ); } } elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) { foreach ( get_object_vars( $value ) as $key => $data ) { $value->{$key} = $this->recursive_stripslashes( $data ); } } return $value; } public function passthru() { $router = Router::get_instance(); $_SERVER['NGG_ORIG_REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $base_parts = parse_url( $router->get_base_url( 'root' ) ); $new_request_uri = $router->join_paths( ( ! empty( $base_parts['path'] ) ? $base_parts['path'] : '' ), $this->strip_param_segments( $router->get_request_uri() ) ); $new_request_uri = str_replace( 'index.php/index.php', 'index.php', $new_request_uri ); // Handle possible incompatibility with 3rd party plugins manipulating the query as well: WPML in particular // can lead to our $new_request_uri here becoming index.php/en/index.php: remove this double index.php. $uri_array = explode( '/', $new_request_uri ); if ( ! empty( $uri_array ) && count( $uri_array ) >= 2 && reset( $uri_array ) == 'index.php' && end( $uri_array ) == 'index.php' ) { array_shift( $uri_array ); $new_request_uri = implode( '/', $uri_array ); } $_SERVER['UNENCODED_URL'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/' . trailingslashit( $new_request_uri ); if ( isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) ) { $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'] = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; unset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ); } } public function parse_url( $url ) { $parts = parse_url( $url ); if ( ! isset( $parts['path'] ) ) { $parts['path'] = '/'; } if ( ! isset( $parts['query'] ) ) { $parts['query'] = ''; } return $parts; } /** * Adds the post permalink to the url, if it isn't already present. * * The generated_url could look like: * http://localhost/dir/nggallery/show/slideshow * * @param $generated_url * @return mixed */ public function add_post_permalink_to_url( $generated_url ) { if ( ! apply_filters( 'ngg_wprouting_add_post_permalink', true ) ) { return $generated_url; } global $multipage, $page; $base_url = $this->get_router()->get_base_url( 'home' ); $settings = Settings::get_instance(); if ( strlen( $generated_url ) < 2 ) { $generated_url = $base_url; } $original_url = $generated_url; $generated_parts = explode( $settings->get( 'router_param_slug', 'nggallery' ), $generated_url ); $generated_url = $generated_parts[0]; $ngg_parameters = '/'; if ( isset( $generated_parts[1] ) ) { $parts = explode( '?', $generated_parts[1] ); $ngg_parameters = array_shift( $parts ); } $post_permalink = get_permalink( isset( $_REQUEST['p'] ) ? $_REQUEST['p'] : 0 ); if ( $post_permalink == '/' ) { $post_permalink = $base_url; } // Trailing slash all of the urls. $original_url = trailingslashit( $original_url ); $post_permalink = trailingslashit( $post_permalink ); $generated_url = trailingslashit( $generated_url ); // Ensure that /page/2/ links to /page/2/nggallery/page/4 rather than /nggallery/page/4/ when our paginated // galleries are displayed on posts paginated through the page break block. if ( $multipage && $page >= 2 ) { $post_permalink = $post_permalink . $page; } // We need to determine if the generated url and the post permalink TRULY differ. If they // differ, then we'll return post_permalink + nggallery parameters appended. Otherwise, we'll // just return the generated url. $generated_url = str_replace( $base_url, home_url(), $generated_url ); $generated_parts = $this->parse_url( $generated_url ); $post_parts = $this->parse_url( $post_permalink ); $generated_parts['path'] = trailingslashit( $generated_parts['path'] ); if ( isset( $generated_parts['query'] ) ) { $generated_parts['query'] = untrailingslashit( $generated_parts['query'] ); } $post_parts['path'] = trailingslashit( $post_parts['path'] ); if ( isset( $post_parts['query'] ) ) { $post_parts['query'] = untrailingslashit( $post_parts['query'] ); } $generated_url = $this->construct_url_from_parts( $generated_parts ); $post_permalink = $this->construct_url_from_parts( $post_parts ); // No change required... if ( $generated_url == $post_permalink ) { $generated_url = $original_url; // Ensure that the generated url has the real base url for default permalinks. if ( strpos( $generated_url, home_url() ) !== false && strpos( $generated_url, $base_url ) === false ) { $generated_url = str_replace( home_url(), $base_url, $generated_url ); } } else { // The post permalink differs from the generated url. $post_permalink = str_replace( home_url(), $base_url, $post_permalink ); $post_parts = $this->parse_url( $post_permalink ); $post_parts['path'] = $this->join_paths( $post_parts['path'], $settings->get( 'router_param_slug', 'nggallery' ), $ngg_parameters ); $post_parts['path'] = str_replace( 'index.php/index.php', 'index.php', $post_parts['path'] ); // incase permalink_structure contains index.php. if ( ! empty( $generated_parts['query'] ) && empty( $post_parts['query'] ) ) { $post_parts['query'] = $generated_parts['query']; } $generated_url = $this->construct_url_from_parts( $post_parts ); } return $generated_url; } public function join_paths() { $args = func_get_args(); $parts = $this->_flatten_array( $args ); foreach ( $parts as &$part ) { $part = trim( str_replace( '\\', '/', $part ), '/' ); } return implode( '/', $parts ); } /** * Removes a segment from a url * * @param string $segment * @param string $url * @return string */ public function remove_url_segment( $segment, $url ) { $retval = $url; $parts = parse_url( $url ); // If the url has a path, then we can remove a segment. if ( isset( $parts['path'] ) && $segment != '/' ) { if ( substr( $segment, -1 ) == '/' ) { $segment = substr( $segment, -1 ); } $segment = preg_quote( $segment, '#' ); if ( preg_match( "#{$segment}#", $parts['path'], $matches ) ) { $parts['path'] = str_replace( '//', '/', str_replace( $matches[0], '', $parts['path'] ) ); $retval = $this->construct_url_from_parts( $parts ); } } return $retval; } /** * Flattens an array of arrays to a single array * * @param array $array * @param array $parent (optional) * @param bool $exclude_duplicates (optional - defaults to TRUE) * @return array */ public function _flatten_array( $array, $parent = null, $exclude_duplicates = true ) { if ( is_array( $array ) ) { // We're to add each element to the parent array. if ( $parent ) { foreach ( $array as $index => $element ) { foreach ( $this->_flatten_array( $array ) as $sub_element ) { if ( $exclude_duplicates ) { if ( ! in_array( $sub_element, $parent ) ) { $parent[] = $sub_element; } } else { $parent[] = $sub_element; } } } $array = $parent; } // We're starting the process.. else { $index = 0; while ( isset( $array[ $index ] ) ) { $element = $array[ $index ]; if ( is_array( $element ) ) { $array = $this->_flatten_array( $element, $array ); unset( $array[ $index ] ); } $index += 1; } $array = array_values( $array ); } } else { $array = [ $array ]; } return $array; } /** * Constructs a url from individual parts, created by parse_url * * @param array $parts * @return string */ public function construct_url_from_parts( $parts ) { // let relative paths be relative, and full paths full. $prefix = ''; if ( ! empty( $parts['scheme'] ) && ! empty( $parts['host'] ) ) { $prefix = $parts['scheme'] . '://' . $parts['host']; if ( ! empty( $parts['port'] ) ) { $prefix .= ':' . $parts['port']; } } $retval = $this->join_paths( $prefix, isset( $parts['path'] ) ? str_replace( '//', '/', trailingslashit( $parts['path'] ) ) : '' ); if ( isset( $parts['query'] ) && $parts['query'] ) { $retval .= untrailingslashit( "?{$parts['query']}" ); } return $retval; } /** * Returns the request uri with the parameter segments stripped * * @param string $request_uri * @return string */ public function strip_param_segments( $request_uri, $remove_slug = true ) { $retval = $request_uri ? $request_uri : '/'; $settings = Settings::get_instance(); $sep = preg_quote( $settings->get( 'router_param_separator', '--' ), '#' ); $param_regex = "#((?P\w+){$sep})?(?\w+){$sep}(?P.+)/?$#"; $slug = $settings->get( 'router_param_slug', 'nggallery' ) && $remove_slug ? '/' . preg_quote( $settings->get( 'router_param_slug', 'nggallery' ), '#' ) : ''; $slug_regex = '#' . $slug . '/?$#'; // Remove all parameters. while ( @preg_match( $param_regex, $retval, $matches ) ) { $match_regex = '#' . preg_quote( array_shift( $matches ), '#' ) . '$#'; $retval = preg_replace( $match_regex, '', $retval ); } // Remove the slug or trailing slash. if ( @preg_match( $slug_regex, $retval, $matches ) ) { $match_regex = '#' . preg_quote( array_shift( $matches ), '#' ) . '$#'; $retval = preg_replace( $match_regex, '', $retval ); } // If there's a slug, we can assume everything after is a parameter, // even if it's not in our desired format. $retval = preg_replace( '#' . $slug . '.*$#', '', $retval ); if ( ! $retval ) { $retval = '/'; } return $retval; } /** * Creates a parameter segment * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $id * @return string */ public function create_parameter_segment( $key, $value, $id = null, $use_prefix = false ) { if ( $key === 'nggpage' ) { return 'page/' . $value; } elseif ( $key === 'album' ) { return $value; } elseif ( $key === 'gallery' ) { return $value; } elseif ( $key === 'pid' ) { return "image/{$value}"; } elseif ( $key === 'gallerytag' ) { return 'tags/' . $value; } if ( $key == 'show' ) { if ( $value === NGG_BASIC_SLIDESHOW ) { $value = 'slideshow'; } elseif ( $value == NGG_BASIC_THUMBNAILS ) { $value = 'thumbnails'; } elseif ( $value == NGG_BASIC_IMAGEBROWSER ) { $value = 'imagebrowser'; } return $value; } $settings = $this->_settings; if ( $use_prefix ) { $key = $settings->router_param_prefix . $key; } if ( $value === true ) { $value = 1; } elseif ( $value === false ) { $value = 0; // null and false values. } $retval = $key . $settings->router_param_separator . $value; if ( $id ) { $retval = $id . $settings->router_param_separator . $retval; } return $retval; } /** * Removes a parameter from the querystring and application request URI and returns the full application URL * * @param string $key * @param mixed $id * @return string|array|float|int */ public function remove_parameter( $key, $id = null, $url = false ) { $retval = $url; $settings = $this->_settings; $param_sep = $settings->router_param_separator; $param_prefix = $settings->router_param_prefix ? preg_quote( $settings->router_param_prefix, '#' ) : ''; $param_slug = $settings->router_param_slug ? preg_quote( $settings->router_param_slug, '#' ) : false; // Is the parameter already part of the request? If so, modify that parameter. if ( ( $segment = $this->get_parameter_segment( $key, $id, $url ) ) && is_array( $segment ) ) { extract( $segment ); if ( $source == 'querystring' ) { $preg_id = $id ? '\d+' : preg_quote( $id, '#' ); $preg_key = preg_quote( $key, '#' ); $regex = implode( '', [ '#', $id ? "{$preg_id}{$param_sep}" : '', "(({$param_prefix}{$param_sep})?)?{$preg_key}({$param_sep}|=)[^\/&]+&?#i", ] ); $qs = preg_replace( $regex, '', $this->get_router()->get_querystring() ); $this->get_router()->set_querystring( $qs ); $retval = $this->get_routed_url(); } elseif ( $source == 'request_uri' ) { $uri = $this->get_app_request_uri(); $uri = $this->join_paths( explode( $segment, $uri ) ); if ( $settings->router_param_slug && preg_match( "#{$param_slug}/?$#i", $uri, $match ) ) { $retval = $this->remove_url_segment( $match[0], $retval ); } $this->set_app_request_uri( $uri ); $retval = $this->get_routed_url(); } else { $retval = $this->join_paths( explode( $segment, $url ) ); if ( $settings->router_param_slug && preg_match( "#/{$param_slug}$#i", $retval, $match ) ) { $retval = $this->remove_url_segment( $match[0], $retval ); } } } if ( is_string( $retval ) ) { $retval = rtrim( $retval, ' ?&' ); } $retval = ( is_null( $retval ) or is_numeric( $retval ) or is_array( $retval ) ) ? $retval : Router::esc_url( $retval ); $retval = $this->add_post_permalink_to_url( $retval ); $retval = $this->_set_tag_cloud_parameters( $retval, $key, $id ); if ( preg_match( "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)album--#", $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = str_replace( $matches[0], $matches[1], $retval ); } if ( preg_match( "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)gallery--#", $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = str_replace( $matches[0], $matches[1], $retval ); } $retval = $this->_set_ngglegacy_page_parameter( $retval, $key ); // For some reason, we're not removing our parameters the way we should. Our routing system seems to be // a bit broken and so I'm adding an exception here. // TODO: Our parameter manipulations need to be flawless. Look into route cause. if ( $key === 'show' ) { $regex = '#/' . $param_slug . '.*(/?(slideshow|thumbnails|imagebrowser)/?)#'; if ( preg_match( $regex, $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = str_replace( $matches[1], '', $retval ); } } return $retval; } public function _set_tag_cloud_parameters( $retval, $key, $id = null ) { // Get the settings manager. $settings = Settings::get_instance(); // Create the regex pattern. $sep = preg_quote( $settings->get( 'router_param_separator', '--' ), '#' ); if ( $id ) { $id = preg_quote( $id, '#' ) . $sep; } $prefix = preg_quote( $settings->get( 'router_param_prefix', '' ), '#' ); $regex = implode( '', [ '#//?', $id ? "({$id})?" : "(\w+{$sep})?", "($prefix)?gallerytag{$sep}([\w\-_]+)/?#", ] ); // Replace any page parameters with the ngglegacy equivalent. if ( preg_match( $regex, $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = rtrim( str_replace( $matches[0], "/tags/{$matches[3]}/", $retval ), '/' ); } return $retval; } public function _set_ngglegacy_page_parameter( $retval, $key, $value = null, $id = null, $use_prefix = null ) { // Get the settings manager. $settings = Settings::get_instance(); // Create regex pattern. $param_slug = preg_quote( $settings->get( 'router_param_slug', 'nggallery' ), '#' ); if ( $key == 'nggpage' ) { $regex = "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)(/?page/\\d+/?)(.*)#"; if ( preg_match( $regex, $retval, $matches ) ) { $new_segment = $value ? "/page/{$value}" : ''; $retval = rtrim( str_replace( $matches[0], rtrim( $matches[1], '/' ) . $new_segment . ltrim( $matches[3], '/' ), $retval ), '/' ); } } // Convert the nggpage parameter to a slug. if ( preg_match( "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)nggpage--(.*)#", $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = rtrim( str_replace( $matches[0], rtrim( $matches[1], '/' ) . '/page/' . ltrim( $matches[2], '/' ), $retval ), '/' ); } // Convert the show parameter to a slug. if ( preg_match( "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)show--(.*)#", $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = rtrim( str_replace( $matches[0], rtrim( $matches[1], '/' ) . '/' . $matches[2], $retval ), '/' ); $retval = str_replace( NGG_BASIC_SLIDESHOW, 'slideshow', $retval ); $retval = str_replace( NGG_BASIC_THUMBNAILS, 'thumbnails', $retval ); $retval = str_replace( NGG_BASIC_IMAGEBROWSER, 'imagebrowser', $retval ); } return $retval; } public function _set_search_page_parameter( $retval, $key, $value = null, $id = null, $use_prefix = null ) { $settings = Settings::get_instance(); $param_slug = preg_quote( $settings->router_param_slug, '#' ); // Convert the nggsearch parameter to a slug. if ( preg_match( "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)nggsearch--(.*)#", $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = rtrim( str_replace( $matches[0], rtrim( $matches[1], '/' ) . '/search/' . ltrim( $matches[2], '/' ), $retval ), '/' ); } if ( preg_match( "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)tagfilter--(.*)#", $retval, $matches ) ) { $retval = rtrim( str_replace( $matches[0], rtrim( $matches[1], '/' ) . '/tagfilter/' . ltrim( $matches[2], '/' ), $retval ), '/' ); } return $retval; } /** * Sets the value of a particular parameter * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $id (optional) * @param bool $use_prefix (optional) * @param bool|string $url (optional) * @return string */ public function set_parameter_value( $key, $value, $id = null, $use_prefix = false, $url = false ) { // Get the settings manager. $settings = $this->_settings; $param_slug = $settings->router_param_slug; // it's difficult to make NextGEN's router work with spaces in parameter names without just encoding them // directly first; replace nggsearch's parameter's spaces with %20. $url = preg_replace_callback( "#(/{$param_slug}/.*)nggsearch--(.*)#", function ( $matches ) { return str_replace( ' ', '%20', $matches[0] ); }, $url ); // Remove the parameter from both the querystring and request uri. $retval = $this->remove_parameter( $key, $id, $url ); // We're modifying a url passed in. if ( $url ) { $parts = parse_url( $retval ); if ( ! isset( $parts['path'] ) ) { $parts['path'] = ''; } $parts['path'] = $this->join_paths( $parts['path'], $param_slug && strpos( $parts['path'], $param_slug ) === false ? $param_slug : '', $this->create_parameter_segment( $key, $value, $id, $use_prefix ) ); $parts['path'] = str_replace( '//', '/', $parts['path'] ); $retval = $this->construct_url_from_parts( $parts ); } // We're modifying the current request. else { // This parameter is being appended to the current request uri. $this->add_parameter_to_app_request_uri( $key, $value, $id, $use_prefix ); // Return the new full url. $retval = $this->get_routed_url(); } $retval = ( is_null( $retval ) || is_numeric( $retval ) || is_array( $retval ) ) ? $retval : Router::esc_url( $retval ); $retval = $this->_set_tag_cloud_parameters( $retval, $key, $id ); $retval = $this->_set_ngglegacy_page_parameter( $retval, $key, $value, $id, $use_prefix ); $retval = $this->_set_search_page_parameter( $retval, $key, $value, $id, $use_prefix ); return $retval; } } David Blanco Archive - Stuttgart Open

Images tagged "david-blanco"